Planning Ahead: How to Keep Your Home Safe From Flooding

Even though your home is your castle, you probably never thought you’d have a swimming pool inside. During the flood season, that could very well happen. A house can flood at any time of year, of course. When it rains, water could get into your basement if your sump pump doesn’t work. If your gutters are clogged or loose, rain can pool on your roof and get into your house. A plumbing problem could cause a house to flood, or someone could put too much soap and clothes in the washing machine, sending a wave of water and bubbles into the living room.

How should you prepare for a flood?

The best way to protect yourself and your home from floods is to be proactive. If you follow these measures, your residence will be safe from flooding.

Educate yourself about previous events.

If water has gotten into your home, it will likely do so again that is why proper water damage restoration is important. Fix any cracks in your walls or foundation before heavy rains and melting snow lead to flooding. Water could get into your house through these cracks.

Remove any clutter from the area.

If you let trash build up in your home’s window wells, eaves troughs, and gutters, water won’t be able to flow away from your house as it should. Make sure these areas are free of trash and buildup before the heavy rain starts.

Check that your pump is ready to use.

Before the storm comes, make sure your sump pump is working well. You should check on your sump pump regularly and ensure you have a battery or another backup energy source in case a storm knocks out your electricity. In addition to having a sump pump, installing a back-water valve in your plumbing will help keep your home from flooding from sewage that has backed up into it.

Make sure there are no ceiling leaks.

During a storm, a roof with broken shingles or worn-out skylights could make it easy for water to get in. Check your roof to see if a leaking roof could have caused water damage.

Make an outlet for the water to go through.

Make sure your house has ways for water to flow away from it, so it doesn’t get damaged. Let’s say you find pools of water around your house. In that case, you might want to have your yard regraded, install downspout extensions or foundation drain tile, use downspout extensions, or clear away plant debris that might stop the soil from draining properly.

Start looking for a water damage restoration team.

Want to stop the damage from water? When flooding starts, it’s time to start fixing the damage. In just 24 hours, water can damage your home, and mold and mildew can start to grow and spread. An experienced damage restoration company has the tools, knowledge, and skills to clean, fix, and restore your home quickly and effectively. They can also eliminate mold and other things bad for the environment.


Your home could still flood even if you don’t live in a designated flood zone. This is a terrible thing to happen. Even if you don’t live in an area that floods often, it’s still a good idea to learn what causes house flooding and how to prevent water damage to your property. With a little short-term planning, you can save yourself a lot of trouble with money in the long run.